Edição do UK Column de 23 de Junho de 2021

00:19 - Variants Everywhere
01:12 - Ivermectin Trials
07:11 - Perpetual Lockdowns In A Zero COVID World
11:59 - Hospital Pressure But Not From COVID
13:52 - Media Changes Its Tune On Vaccine Harms
24:35 - Stand Up UK March London - https://t.me/Londonrallies
25:23 - PCR Testing And The Genome Beast -
26:25 - UKC Viewer Email Notes Hancock's Threat To Withold Healthcare From The Unvaccinated
27:26 - Presenting The Evidence To the Police
32:13 - Is Sky ISP Blocking UK Column?
34:28 - Advertising Standards Authority Amazing Power Of Deduction
39:13 - BBC Reveals It Can Be Trusted With Counterintuitive Propaganda
43:47 - Inflation Conflation And Full Bore FT Propaganda
49:13 - Fantastic Economic News for The Rich
51:10 - The Guardian's Fantasy Island
53:20 - David Davis' Opposition To Online Safety
58:07 - Dr Peter Kuit and Jade Kuit testimony to Reiner Fuellmich Hearing
01:05:35 - OBON Youth
01:09:53 - Fake Ships On Fake Missions